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Alexander Usanin's eBook “Three bodies. The secret of all eastern teachings” - Book «AN ALTERNATIVE GLOBALIZATION SCENARIO»

Alexander Usanin’s eBook “Three bodies. The secret of all eastern teachings”


Messages from ancient civilizations and data from recent scientific discoveries speak of a fractal holographic structure of the universe.

This book contains the essence of all spiritual teachings and presents a concept that can stop wars and unite all religions on a common platform for every person and state.

In the book:

– definition of the ego;

– educational device of the material world;

– the holographic principle of the universe;

– why do souls come to the material sphere?

– spiritual practice of our era;

– the prevailing personality type in Russia;

– a healthy balance between spiritual and material progress;

In the book:

  • definition of the ego;
  • educational device of the material world;
  • the holographic principle of the universe;
  • why do souls come to the material sphere?
  • spiritual practice of our era;
  • the prevailing personality type in Russia;
  • a healthy balance between spiritual and material progress;


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